So far on this blog I have written about Barbados History, culture, food, language, proverbs, done a few photo blogs etc. Tonight I want to do something a little different.
For many people going to work means hours under fluorescent lights, watching the clock until you have put in the hours demanded of you. When you ask, there always seems to be only a very few that truly love what they do.
I am one of those lucky few :o)
As a child I always wished that I could get a job that would let me go to Bathsheba every day.
My favourite child hood memories lie in the heart of Bathsheba. It is here among the grains of sand that they lie, they toss to and fro with the dancing surf. Echos of them can be heard in the swaying coconut trees, the rivers sing their song and the crabs scurry about excitedly with their story. The colourful fish in the tide pools dart all about as if to say its time to play.
Bathsheba was the place we played (My brother, sister, cousins and friends), we surfed, hiked, and swam. We went fishing and crabbing at night, we had Bonn fires and roasted Bread Fruit. We wrote and produced plays and bought candy from the sweetie lady. The fun and adventure never ended and life was bliss. Extra special moments were quiet time with my Gran listening to her stories and sketching by her side. She was an amazing artist and a truly amazing woman. My love for days gone by is something that she instilled in me. Another memorable time was our yearly picnic spearheaded by my Auntie Jacinta who never seemed to tire of the parade of kids that flooded in and out of the house.

I could go on about this forever as my love runs deep for this place and the people that filled my life, but this is not a blog about Bathsheba or childhood memories. It is about a fulfilment of a dream. One that became as some may say, "A Dream Job". Yet to me it is not, neither is it a dream, for it is my reality Nor can I consider it a job because to me it is a joy not job.
I started Glory Tours in 2001. I will never forget I was having the licensing signed when the planes crashed in the world trade center. I think we all know where we were when that happened :o(
Prior to starting Glory Tours I worked for my uncle who owned a trucking/crane/moving company. A tour company was the furthest thing from my mind as I had been an incredibly shy child and remained so even in adulthood....... LOL that was then, now it can be quite hard to shut me up at times :o)
From the very beginning Glory Tours was started out of a love. A childhood memory and a great desire to share that love with others. Our mission at Glory Tours has always been to provide fun filled, adventure packed, informative tours and excursions in Barbados. We love our Island and we want to share that love with you :o).
I have the distinct pleasure of meeting wonderful people from all over the world and I am most often sad to see many of them go at the end of the day. In a world were not everything is perfect I can honestly say 98% of the people I meet are 100% first class gems fabulous in every way :o) I have shared many hugs and a few special moments. Honeymoons, birthdays, anniversary's and even helped with a few engagements.

I never get tired of going the places or telling the stories. Our history is so rich and colourful it never ceases to entertain me and I am constantly trying to learn more. Whether it be History, Culture, Cuisine, Geology, Plants and Wildlife It is all so interesting :o).
An Island formed so uniquely in the Atlantic, yet part of the Caribbean. One who's history involves cannibals and pirates, Lords and ladies. It has helped to mould presidents of great nations and inspired so many more. It is home to one of the two oldest synagogues in the Western hemisphere and yet witchcraft left its shores and lead to a great massacre. It tells the story of the African, Irish and Scottish slaves and the heart of a people that endured through many struggles and obstacles. A people rich in culture living on an Island like no other. Turquoise waters, white sand, and rolling green hills. These are all things that I think about when I think about Barbados. These things combined are but a few things that make Barbados a Island like no other.
The Arawak's thought of it as "Paradise" and so do I. lol I even told guest on the tour one day. I am Peter Pan and this is my Never land :o) I truly LOVE what I do :o)

Provided with the compliments of your friends at Glory Tours. The #1 Provider of Sightseeing Tours in Barbados