In an earlier blog I mentioned Bathsheba Why I Love Being A Tour Guide In Barbados. It was here that I first dreamed of one day having a job that I could Visit Bathsheba Every Day. That dream became a reality when I started Glory Tours a sightseeing and Excursion Tour Company In Barbados.
It was In Bathsheba where I spent my summers with my parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandmother. I would sit and sketch by my grandmothers side, she herself was an amazing artist and many tourist bought her work from art galleries. Painting was one of a million talents she possessed.
She walked with us on the beach collecting sea shells, telling us their names. She told us stories of the old train line (see Barbados Railway 1873-1937) tent bay the fishing village above Bathsheba and of a US war ship that crashed off the coast. my Great Aunt actually married one of the officers.
In this blog I will try to capture the beauty of Bathsheba in photographs, however I must say the true beauty and spirit of Bathsheba can not be captured through a camera it takes something much more personal and I encourage all to take a visit and to walk upon its shores. Take a dip in the tide pools and soak in the surf.
As to the name Bathsheba Legend has it that Bathsheba, wife of King David, bathed in milk to keep her skin beautiful and soft. It is said that the surf covered white waters of Bathsheba, rich in minerals and life is said to resemble Bathsheba's bath in both appearance health giving value.
This is the rugged east coast of Barbados, where visitors come to breath the air, soak in the invigorating Bathsheba Pools and feel alive. It is breathtakingly beautiful; wide tan sand beaches stretch along a dramatic coastline of striking rock formations sculpted out by the large Atlantic rollers. What at first glance are huge boulders washed up on the beach, are actually rock formations broken away from ancient coral reef that is now seen high above.
Bathsheba is home to a small community of fishing folk and their families. Along the coast are guest houses, local rum shops and restaurants. It is a hideaway for discerning tourists and for Bajans who frequently weekend here in their seaside cottages along the shore.
Above Sunrise At Bathsheba
Above Sunrise At Bathsheba
Above Sunrise At Bathsheba
Above Sunrise At Bathsheba
Above Tide Pool In Bathsheba
Above The Rocks Out To Sea Are The Musics
Above Two Of The Musics
Above pieces Of The Old Train Line
Above A Tide Pool
Above What Was Once Part Of The Beaches Changing Facilities And Later Used In The Filming Of The Bold & The Beautiful
Above A Red Flag That Is Always Up Signifying High Sea
Above The Mushroom Rock In Bathsheba
Above A Path That Was Once Part Of The Old Train Line
Above Is High Rock With Greavsies Pool Bellow
Above View From Under High Rock
Above Window to the Sea From Pneumonia Pool
Above Window to the Sea From Pneumonia Pool

Above Window to the Sea From Boulder On Bathsheba Beach
Above Green Fingers Stretch To The Sea
Above San Stone On Bathsheba Beach
Above A turbine Snail Clinging To A Moss Covered Rock
Above A Sea Anemone
Above Tiny Sea Anemones With A Moss Covered Crab On Top
Above A Violet Snail Shell
Above We Called This Lettuce Sea Weed
Above Pink Coral And A Red Sea Urchin
Above A Hermit Crab
Above A Moss Covered Rock
Above A Violet Snail
Above A Sea Shell Home To A Hermit Crab
Above A Black Sea Urchin
Above Coral
Above Barnacles Grow On A Reef
Above A red Sea Urchin
Above Sea Weed
Above Sea Weed
Above Turbine Snails
Above Chiton - 'Sea Beef'
Above Large Sea Cockroach
Above Green Heron
Above A Green Heron Fishing On The Reef
Above A Green Heron With His Catch
Above A Green Heron Stands Tall
Above Wild Flower
Above Wild Flower
Above Sea Glass
Above A Coral Crusted Sea Fan
Above A Small Piece Of Brain Coral
Above A Dried Out Piece Of Sea Weed
Above A Piece Of Drift Wood We Used To Collect These For Beach Bonn Fires
Above A Coral Crusted Sea Fan
Above Brain Coral
Above The Shell Of A Dried Out Sea Urchin
Above A Sand Crab, We Would Run After These As Kids Catching And Releasing Them
Above A Dead Crab
Above The Back of A Tri-Colour Pumkin Moon Crab
Above Caribbean Ghost Crab
Above A Giant Land Crab, Or What We Call A Swampy
Above a Manawar the blue threats are stingers and as children
we were taught to pop them with our heel and kill them.
Above A Turkey Shell
Above A Sea Shell
Above A Top Hat Shell
Above A Violet Snail Shell
Above A Cow Shell
Above A Pigeon Shell
Above A Turkey Shell
Above Puppy Eye Shells
Above The Shell Of A Sea Worm
Above A finger Nail Shell
Above A White Top Hat Shell
Above A Duck Shell
Above A Hen Shell
Above A Pigeon Shell
Above A Sea Shell
Above A Sea Shell
Above A Pink Top Hat
Above A Ginnie Shell
Above A Sea Shell
Above A Sea Shell
Above A Sea Shell
Above A Clam Shell
Above A Sea Shell
Above A Zebra Fish
Above A School Mistress
Above Is A Sand Fish
Above A Sea Slug
Above Is A Sea Centipede
Provided with the compliments of your friends at Glory Tours. The #1 Provider of Sightseeing Tours in Barbados